This site is intended to serve Computer Science researchers and teachers as a guide to the rich and diverse world of ethical hacker publications and to raise awareness of state-of-the-art research ideas that originate in the hacker community.
There are several excellent academic research labs that are aware of hacker research and appreciate hacker skills. We are grateful for your support! Unfortunately, to many others fellow academics the hacker community is a stereotyped unknown that is both distrusted and discounted. We would like to fix this and make sure that the ethical hacker community gets acknowledged for what it is - a national resource of great value.
Journal Articles
Why Computer Scientists Should Attend Hacker Conferences by Gregory Conti, Communications of the ACM, 2005
Hacking and Innovation by Gregory Conti, preface to the Communications of the ACM, Vol. 49. No. 6, June 2006
What Hackers Learn that the Rest of Us Don't: Notes on Hacker Curriculum by Sergey Bratus, IEEE Security & Privacy Journal, 2007
Hacker Curriculum: How Hackers Learn Networking by Sergey Bratus, IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 2007
Helping Students 0wn Their Own Code by Michael E. Locasto, in IEEE Security & Privacy Journal, May/June 2009
Hackers vs. Academia by Felix Lindner and Joern Bratzke, 2nd International Workshop on Secure Information Systems (SIS'07) October 2007, Wisla, Poland
Lessons from the Hacker Curriculum by Sergey Bratus, CISSE 2009
A Personal View of CS and Hacker Curricula by Adam Cecchetti, CISSE 2009
We have organized our translation of the Hacker Curriculum by a set of Principles rather than having it be an enumeration of specific HOW-TOs or recipes. As we grow the curriculum, we will add specific lessons, examples, code samples, links to tools, outlines for exercises and assignments, and other assorted material.
Our work-in-progress list of Hacker Curriculum Principles.
A related project that will eventually advance to its own webpage, the Hacker Bibliography seeks to enumerate the advances of the (in)security world. Related because examples and tools used by the Curriculum will be found within it, it seeks to demonstrate the history of technical and theoretical progress. While this will be useful for anyone seeking out previous work in particular fields, the Hacker Curriculum will be able to make use of it to demonstrate hackers' contributions to such progress with both qualitative and quantitative measures of the content found within the Bibliography.
The draft format and some sample content of this Bibliography.